Sponsored by Eckankar in Arkansas

Experience the Sound of Soul


HU is a carrier of love between Soul and God. HU (rhymes with you) is an ancient name for God that has been sung for thousands of years in many lands for spiritual unfoldment. HU uplifts people of any religion, culture, or walk of life.

“Love opens you to its guidance, peace, healing of body, mind, and spirit, and to the highest form of creativity.

“And whom do you love?

“God, the Creator, Divine Intelligence, the Holy Spirit, the ECK, the Life Force, the All in All, the One. Or just love your family, pets, your neighbor as yourself, the flowers you watered today. Love is love.

“And you are that. HU is the Sound of Soul.”

—Sri Harold Klemp, The Sound of Soul

The Sound of Soul Events offer you the opportunity to chant HU, engage in spiritual conversation, and meet others of like heart who share a desire to explore their own connection with God or Divine Spirit. You are warmly invited to join us for The Sound of Soul online or in locations around the state.

To find The Sound of Soul Event scheduled near you, check your local Meetup or click here. We look forward to meeting you!”